Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Imaginary wedding:: In the wilds

I have some engaged friends, who shall remain nameless. They can't decided what kind of a wedding they want, or if they even want one at all.  So I am dedicating a post a week, every Wednesday, to showcase various wedding options...until they make up their minds.

This wedding is their In the wilds, Mountain Wonderland wedding.  It's whimsical, secluded, and intimate.

Mountain photo :: Via Oncewed, Lavender Bouquet ::  Leigh Miller, Dress :: Vintage Edwardian from The Frock, Table :: via Style Me Pretty, Ceremony photo :: Tec Petaja via OnceWed

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this ... and am planning our wedding for Montana next winter ... and am heartbroken I can't use every idea in these photos because of all the snow we'll likely have ... but these photos brought tears to my eyes. Thank you! Keep the gorgeousness coming!
